Farmland bird study in Koshi, east Nepal and Lumbini, central Nepal

Himalayan Nature has conducted several education and awareness programs in Lumbini for the conservation of wildlife that lives in the farmland habitats. BirdLife International identified Farmlands of Lumbini area as an Important Bird Area (IBA). Furthermore, the area is within the Terai Arc Landscape and Conservation International’s Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund has also identified the area as priority site for conservation.

We are continuing the survey of farmland bird species in Lumbini and Koshi since last few years. A total of 148 species of birds were recorded from the surveyed farmlands representing 59 bird families. The most frequent and the most abundant bird was Common Myna followed by Black Drongo, Cattle Egret and Asian Pied Starling. Intensification of farming practices, such as the loss of crop diversity, destruction of grasslands and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers, has led to the degradation of agricultural and semi-natural habitats, and causing declines in biodiversity across huge areas. Therefore, it conducted education and awareness programs on pesticides and on the importance of farmland biodiversity to our livelihood and overall ecosystems.

In matters of birds and their habitats, we work with Nepalese Ornithological Union