Supporting Trans-boundary Tiger Recovery in India and Nepal- Phase II

©Ashish Gurung

After the successful completion of the Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Program (ITHCP)- Phase I project in Nepal in 2019, Himalayan Nature is implementing activities of the Phase II project with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and other conservation partners. We thank ZSL for providing an opportunity for us to engage in this important project.

In Phase I of this project, Himalayan Nature was involved in many activities related to community development and conservation awareness on human-tiger conflict and tiger conservation, determination of the extent of livestock grazing, establishment of community-based livestock insurance scheme, promotion and training on alternative livelihoods skills, developing ecotourism opportunities to the local communities etc. Thus, Phase I was crucial in not only supporting the tiger populations to recover in these protected areas (current estimates of 169 tigers) but also equally important in contributing to improve the wellbeing of at least 18,000 buffer zone community members. Since the implementation of Phase I project on this Tiger Conservation Landscape (TCL) cluster has shown a remarkable increase in the population of tiger and its prey species, improved habitat conditions on key sites including Shuklaphanta and Parsa national park. Securing the increased tiger population needs more conservation activities to increase the carrying capacity and actions to mitigate negative impacts.

In this sense, the ITHCP Phase II project will continue to build on the strong foundations laid by Phase I for tiger conservation and securing the community wellbeing in the protected areas and the buffer zone areas. It will do so by continuing the best practices identified in Phase I, including sustainable resource use and agricultural practices and enhancement of community responses to Human-Wildlife Conflict (HWC).

Under the ITHCP Phase II project, Himalayan Nature will perform the following activities;

  • Work with the management of tiger bearing protected areas for habitat management, including grassland management, maintenance of water holes and fire lines.
  • Review and collate existing HTC and HWC data from different communities to identify conflict hotspots.
  • Train and aware vulnerable communities about the behaviour of different wildlife species, their general biology and avoidance strategies.
  • Conduct various educational activities to the public to provide knowledge on HTC/HWC and support to implement identified mitigation measures including setting up early warning systems, predator-proof bio-fencing, corals etc.
  • Support communities to conserve the riverine ecosystem and to maintain existing traditional water retention ponds in the upstream and buffer zone areas.